8 Steps to Keeping your Terrarium Healthy

Having a terrarium is like having your own little forest. You can customize it to your imagination. Terrariums help reduce anxiety/stress and there are many other benefits. Terrariums come in many shapes: rectangular tank, bottle, round glass container. Some are open and some are closed. No matter what shapes and types they are, the cares are pretty much the same.

Follow these 8 rules and your terrarium should be in good shape:

  1. Avoid placing near direct sunlight. This prevents heat from building up from within the glass container (known as greenhouse effect).

  2. Open the lid occasionally 3-5 minutes to reduce internal air pressure, especially, during the summer heat.

  3. If you have a terrarium in your office and you will be away for a long weekend, be sure to keep the terrarium cool. Office building usually turns off the air conditioning. This can cause the office to be too hot for your terrarium. Try placing the terrarium in an ice bucket or keep it refrigerated until you get back.

  4. Be sure to keep the indoor lighting optimum for your terrarium. Occasionally bring it to the bright indirect sunlight. This will keep your plants happy.

  5. Check the water level within the unit and make sure that it is not too dry. Keep the water level at the rock level and don't let it go up to the soil level. This can cause the root to drawn and rot.

  6. The age of the plants in the terrarium can last from 3 weeks to 1 year depending on light, temperature, location, and care.

  7. Try selecting the type of plants that can live in a closed container, For instances, moss, moss wood, fern, Peperomia

  8. Keep out of the reach of children and pets.